Legislative Meeting with Representative Rodriguez

On Thursday, December 6th, Volition Franklin Youth FACT group met with Representative Jessie Rodriguez to share the work they have been doing, specifically around youth tobacco and vape use. 

 Students explained how cigarillos and e-juice are flavored and packaged like candy. The group passed around the “tobacco tricks not treats” display board with flavored tobacco and vape products that look and taste like candy.  They also passed around our sample vape box products and showed Representative Rodriguez what the JUUL vape looks like and Slushie and coffee flavored vape juices.

 The group also talked about trends students see in school.  Almost 9 in 10 cigarette smokers tried smoking before they were 18 years old.  Today, almost 75% of high-school aged youth using tobacco products reported using a flavored tobacco product. 

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Education Table, Halloween Spooktacular

Volition Franklin attended the 2nd annual Franklin High School Halloween Spectacular hosted by the student senate.   Volition Youth participated by offering cookie decorating to youth in the community and their parents.  The coalition had signage with the message “candy flavored vapes are a trick not a treat”. Volition Youth volunteers gave out coloring books and comic books about children living tobacco and drug free. Members also provided education about e-cigarettes to adults. 100 children and their parents participated in the event.

Teens Against Tobacco Use (TATU) Training

Interested high school student leaders applied and were selected to be trained as Teens Against Tobacco Use (TATU) presenters. TATU is a program that allows high school students to mentor younger students about the dangers of smoking and vaping.  Research shows that peer-led programs are effective ways to reduce youth tobacco use and positively influence younger students. Selected trainers provide presentations to 6th grade science classes at each elementary school in Franklin.  During the presentation, peer leaders facilitate a content section about decision making and refusal skills.  High school presenters conduct a skit in which they demonstrate various refusal skills and the six grade students have to guess which skill was used.  About 350 six grade students are reached at all five public elementary schools.


Three seniors led the training for new TATU presenters.  In addition to presenting about tobacco/vape use and its health effects, student leaders also discussed good presentation and leadership skills.  All students were able to demonstrate the actual content of the TATU presentation to each other.  Nine students were trained.

Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week is a nation drug prevention awareness campaign. Volition Franklin supported Red Ribbon Week by facilitating activities in the middle and high school all week. On Monday Volition Youth members were at the high school holding signs with facts about tobacco, vaping, underage drinking, and drugs on displayed.  Volunteers also handed out bookmarks with a drug prevention message to English teachers to distribute during class.  Students also read announcements each day stating drug facts, defining red ribbon week, and encouraging students to wear the color red on Thursday.  300 book marks were distributed. 

On Wednesday Volition Youth middle school members passed out candy with labels stating “tobacco tricks not treat” during lunch.  Members also created posters to place around the lunch room walls with facts about the negative health effects, costs, and tricky advertisement of tobacco products.  About 700 students were reached during this activity.  

On Thursday Volition Franklin Youth went back to the high school to display the posters and distribute red Volition socks and red ribbons so students could participate in the wear red day. 200 ribbons and socks were given to students.Students were encouraged to take a selfie wearing their new red gear and post to social media with #VolitionFranklin. Posters were hung on Volition Franklin member lockers advertising Red Ribbon Week and reminding students of the contest.Of all the students who posted to their social media accounts, one was selected at random to win a $20 Starbucks gift card.

Trunk or Treat

Volition Franklin participated in the Academy for Performing Arts Trunk or Treat event.  Volition Youth members decorated a trunk and dressed up as Candy Land characters.  Volunteers distributed candy and candy-sharped erasers to children participating in the event.  The candy had a sticker on them that said “candy flavored tobacco is a trick, not a treat”.  Volition Youth also took time to educate parents about vaping and flavored tobacco. 

Vaping Education

Volition presented to about 50 students in junior and senior health classes at Franklin High School about vaping.  A 30 minute presentation was given about the health effects of e-cigarettes, chemicals in e-juices/ vapes, and the marketing techniques of these companies. Students also played a khoot game to test their knowledge during the presentation. Afterwards, students were awarded with a piece of candy with a sticker that said “candy flavored tobacco is a trick not a treat”.


Adult Health and Wellness Day, resource table

Volition Franklin hosted a resource table as well as a medication collection in partnership with the Franklin Police Department at the 2018 Adult Health and Wellness Fair.  Over 500 attendees were at the fair.

The medication collection facilitated by the Police Officers allowed individuals to drop off their unused or expired medications. Our resource table offered information about our coalition, the local drug drop box, and also provided a variety of at home drug disposal methods. Our coalition distributed Deterra® drug disposal pouches, timercaps to secure medication, and postage paid mail back envelopes for those who may be homebound or unable to make it to a drop box location.

Volition Franklin also administered a survey which was completed by 137 individuals. The four question survey focused on opioids and proper disposal.

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Life of an Athlete

Volition Franklin partnered with Franklin High School to host the Life of an Athlete presentation. Life of an Athlete is a presentation created by John Underwood, former NCAA All-American and exercise scientist. This 90 minute presentation focuses on healthy choices and educating individuals of the effects alcohol and drug use has on one’s body and athletic performance.

The ultimate goal of this hosting this program was to help youth to take a clear look at the way in which they are living their lives at a time when many can still change for the better.

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TimerCAP Initiative with Ascension Franklin

Volition Franklin worked directly with Ascension SE Wisconsin Hospital- Franklin Campus to address opioid safety in the community.

Volition Franklin and Ascension Franklin worked together to supply community members who use the Franklin pharmacy on the Ascension campus with TimerCAP bottles. Volition Franklin funded 500 TimerCaps for distribution to the Franklin community. TimerCAPs can be used as a tool to help the consumer track how much time has passed since the bottle was last opened. This helps patients take their medications on time and avoid potential misuse.

Additionally, Ascension Franklin helped distribute informational sheets created by the coalition that remind community members about the 24 hour drug drop box location at the Franklin Police Department, located at 9455 W Loomis Road, and what can and cannot go into this drop box. By working together as a community and utilizing proper disposal techniques, we can get unused and expired medications out of our homes and communities and decrease the potential for misuse.

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Community Dinner Parenting Event

Volition Franklin, in partnership with Southbrook Church, hosted a free community dinner parenting event. This event brought together community members, including parents and children for an hour long presentation from the Parenting Network centered on healthy families and using meal time as a catalyst for family bonding and conversation. The speaker from the Parenting Network shared tips and activities parents and families could take back to their own homes to utilize as bonding tools.

Volition Franklin collaborated with local restaurants to provide a meal at no cost to all attendees. Crossroads donated pans of salad and dressing, Michaelangelos donated pans of mostaccioli, and Mimosa donated the dessert for the evening!

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Forest Park Back to School Days, Resource Table

Volition Franklin had a resource table in the lobby of the school during the Forest Park Middle School back to school days on August 20-22!

Over the course of the three back to school days our table hosted information on our Volition Franklin Youth club at the Middle School and a signup sheet for new members- which had a great response.

Additionally, our “know the facts” educational sheets were available for people to take on the topics of vaping, underage drinking, prescription medication misuse, and marijuana.

Volition Franklin adult and youth offered free root beer floats to anyone who was interested with our new Volition Franklin color changing cups!

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Volition Franklin hosted a Youth Leadership Summit with goals for participants to strengthen and learn leadership skills within the domains of advocacy, resume building, positive peer influence and community involvement.

The Youth Summit allowed High School aged youth in Franklin to become more acquainted with advocacy issues they care about, prepare for professional success, and become more confident in a leadership role. Different activities were completed throughout the three hour training, and Volition Franklin hosted a guest speaker, the City of Franklin Director of Administration, who spoke about how leadership skills influence ones future.


Volition Franklin hosted an education resource table at the Franklin National Night Out. Both adult and youth Volition Franklin members volunteered at the event educating about the “true cost of underage drinking”.

Information about the coalition was distributed as well as fact sheets on underage drinking. Volition Youth ran an interactive activity to encourage youth participation and learning. The activity consisted of a poster with statistics on how underage drinking affects the Franklin community. Participants had the opportunity to lift pictures of a park, school, bank, police car, gas station, hospital house, and car.

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Volition Franklin was welcomed by the Franklin Recreation Department to host a resource table at the July 9th Recreation Department t-ball games. The coalition had the opportunity to provide information to approximately 125 registered players, their parents and siblings regarding substance misuse prevention. Many people interacted with the Volition Franklin volunteers at the table to receive resources and the free Volition Franklin Frisbee give a way! Educational sheets included information of how to start conversations with children about the dangers of underage drinking, advertisement for the upcoming Volition Franklin little libraries book drive, as well as a palm card consisting of general information about the coalition.


Volition Franklin Youth conducted environmental scans of alcohol advertising in Franklin to obtain data on the extent of alcohol advertising exposure to teens. A national study, Effects of Alcohol Advertising Exposure on Drinking Amount Youth, concluded that greater exposure to alcohol advertising contributes to an increase in drinking among underage youth. Specifically, for each additional ad a young person saw (above the monthly youth average of 23), he or she drank 1% more (Snyder, Milici, Slater, 2006).  Though photo journaling, youth documented alcohol advertising in Franklin for two weeks.  Environmental scans were done at alcohol retailers and advertisements within the Franklin community or events. Youth were specially looking for photo categories which included: a power wall of alcohol boxes displaying a larger image, advertising that directly appeals to youth/ young people, and outrageous product placement of alcohol next to youth-driven products.

Surprisingly, a minimal amount of alcohol advertising was noted.  Within alcohol retailers, the majority had alcohol and all alcohol advertising confined to one location within the store.  Two stores had alcohol placed on end caps next to candy and soda.  Volition can utilize this data to approach retailers, and along with education, encourage them to place alcohol in one location away from items youth may be interested in. 


Volition Franklin and The City of Franklin Health Department partnered to host the third outdoor “Franklin Family Fun Flick” at Lion Legions Park. Volition Youth also gave a five minute presentation about the prevention work we do.  The featured presentation was the movie, “Jumanji”. 

Over 400 individuals attended the event.  Of the 55 people who evaluated the event, 100% indicated the event met their expectations and 98% would attend a similar event in the future.  In addition, attendees agreed that the youth spread positive messaging about healthy lifestyles informed choices; meeting the group’s goal. 

The event shed positive light on the city and local business; and promoted health and family togetherness.


Volition Franklin was honored to be selected as the charity of choice for the Innovative Health and Fitness member appreciation day. This day consisted of local vendors focused on contributing to a healthy Franklin hosting tables with resources, games, and giveaways inside and outside of the Innovative facility.

The coalition also provided information on how to talk to youth about underage drinking, and the Parents Who Host Lose the Most campaign.



Volition Franklin participated in the statewide Parents Who Hose Lose the Most campaign in a variety of ways. Volition Youth conducted a sticker shock campaign at local alcohol retailer, Kwik Trip.   Students placed over 400 Parents Who Host stickers on alcohol packaging to provide a visual reminder to people purchasing alcohol that they should not provide it to underage youth.  The campaign was conducted in May when the prevalence of teen parties tends to be higher due to prom and graduation season.  A handout was left at the checkout counter providing more detailed information about the campaign and how to host safe teen parties.

Volition Franklin also partnered with the Franklin Police Department to create a Parents Who Hose Lose the Most Public Service Announcement to be used on Volition Franklin social media as well as next year as movie previews in our local theater. The 50 second clip was produced and edited by two Franklin High School student volunteers.

Additionally, Volition Franklin obtained authorization from the City of Franklin Parks Commission to place a campaign yard sign at each of the City Parks. Signs were placed for three weeks spanning from May-June. A flyer regarding the role parents play in children’s choices was included in the Franklin city newsletter and distributed to all Franklin homes and businesses.


Volition Franklin collaborated with Franklin Public Schools to facilitate a session at the annual 6th grade camping trip. This was Volition Franklin’s 2nd year participating and facilitating a decision making session at the 6th grade camp held in Hartland, Wisconsin.

The Volition Franklin led decision making session focused on the reality that in life and in middle and high school, students will have to face hard decisions. Having positive influences in one’s life and knowing the difference between right and wrong or healthy and unhealthy decisions will contribute to a healthy and safe life.



Volition Franklin was invited to facilitate a game at the Southwood Glen Elementary School Spring Carnival. The coalition ran a PLINKO style game. The game focused on positive choices and characteristics of a good friend. Depending on which color the student’s PLINKO chip landed in, they were asked a question focused on traits of a good friend.

Volition Franklin also offered information to parents including SAMHSA booklets “Keeping Youth Drug Free”, Parents Who Host Lose the Most materials, a Volition Franklin created flyer of how to start the conversation with your children about the dangers of underage drinking, and a flyer for our June outdoor movie night.