Light and United Red is a Milwaukee County wide campaign. The Light and Unite Red campaign is a week in January to shine a light upon the dangers of substance use and highlight efforts to prevent misuse. For this campaign, Volition organized the following activities within Franklin, with our messages reaching over 1,000 youth and adult community members:
- The message board outside of Franklin High School displayed a message encouraging students to wear red on the Friday of Light and United RED week to help bring awareness to the topic and open the door to start conversations about alcohol or drug misuse
- The class wearing the most red won a Volition sponsored pizza party
- High School and Middle School Announcements shared facts about substance misuse throughout the week
- Gold block teachers at the High School level were encouraged to share a Drug Fact quiz that was linked on the Saber Slate, the High School Newspaper
- Volition youth hosted games at lunch at the High School
- Volition middle school youth created Memes pertaining to substance misuse and hung them around the school
- Volition presented the purpose of Light and Unite Red to the Franklin Common Council and Mayor Steve Olson signed a proclamation proclaiming January 23-27, 2017 Light and Unite Red Week in the City of Franklin.
- The city website advertised Light and Unite RED
- The evergreen tree outside of city hall was illuminated with red lights, and a banner was hung
- There was a message on the sign outside Station 1 Firehouse in Franklin
- City Employees were given Light the Way tip sheets providing information about starting the conversation at home, and resources for parents, teens, and educators. City Hall employees were also encouraged to wear red on Friday
- The Volition Facebook Page shared posts of the student created memes
- The senior lunch hosted in Franklin City Hall displayed informational table tents