The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) hosts a National Prevention Week Annually. This is a health observance dedicated to increasing public awareness of, and action around, mental and/or substance use disorders. Volition partook in two main community activities for the 2017 Prevention Week, the I Choose Campaign and Generation Found, reaching over 100 community members through both events.
May 15, 2017
Volition cohosted a movie night with SouthBrook Church and Moving Beyond Addiction as a coalition faith summit. This event kicked off National Prevention week May 15th-20th with a film, Generation Found which focuses on one community coming together to ignite a youth addiction recover revolution in their hometown. The event was advertise through word of mouth, flyers printed and distributed at SouthBrook, as well as on the coalition Facebook page.
May 15-19, 2017
During National Prevention Week Volition facilitated an “I Choose” Project. This was a project inviting people to take a photo of themselves, their family, or friends holding a sign with a written statement expressing why they choose prevention. Images from this project were utilized in a slideshow before and after the Faith Summit, and prior to the showing of the Generation Found film. They were also shared on the coalition’s social media page.
The coalition had over 40 participants/ participant groups including:
- Franklin Police Department
- Franklin Youth
- Franklin Health Department
- Franklin School Board President
- Old National Bank Staff
- Representative Ken Skowronski
- Mitchell Airport Rotary Club
- Franklin High School teachers and staff
- Addiction to Recovery Staff
- Aurora Healthcare Staff
- Board of Health
- City of Franklin Clerks office employees
- FAPSU (Volition) Coalition Coordinator
- Franklin Health Department Nurses
- Community Parents
- FAPSU (Volition) Executive Board
- Forest Park Middle School Students