Outdoor Movie Night: June 16, 2017

The Outdoor Movie Night was an event cohosted with the Franklin Health Department free of charge to attendees. The event started at 7:30pm with games being offered, and the film beginning at dusk around 9:00pm. There were nearly 100 individuals who attended. Attendees were given a survey to fill out regarding the event, and surveys were then collected.

This was Volition Franklin’s first fundraising effort. A coalition volunteer facilitated the 50/50 raffle. The event also offered a great opportunity to talk with community members, discuss Volition Franklin, and spread the word about the coalition. A huge thank you to Marcus theaters donated popcorn for the event.

AAA also donated  their time to attend the event. They had a table with resources about driving under the influence, provided “drunk goggled” to see how driving impaired can affect one’s ability to be safe, as well as provided a quick introduction and presentation prior to the start of the film.
