National Night Out is a Franklin community event to focus attention on crime prevention, personal safety, and various services provided by businesses in the Franklin area. Volition reached over 400 individuals with coalition messaging and resources.We had a table at the annual National Night Out event at the Franklin Public Library.
Chalk Art Contest
Prior to the event the coalition hosted their first Chalk Art Contest encouraging participants to draw prevention messages which were judged on two main criteria 1. Creativity, 2. Messaging. The contest was advertised by hanging a flyer at many local businesses.
The winner (judged by a Volition Franklin member) won a prize. The winner was announced on a white board at the coalition’s table, and the participant received their prize the night of the event.
During National Night Out, Volition Franklin handed out a flyer of where residents could drop off their unused prescription pain medications, and what could and could not go in the dropbox.
Coalition members also collected information utilizing a one page survey in regards to perception of alcohol in Franklin. Surveys were administered by coalition volunteers to any individual who came near the Volition table.
On this entry sheet individuals also had the option to select if they would like to be added to the coalition mailing list, and had 37 individuals added to the mailing list from this event.
The coalition volunteers also facilitated a game “Duck Away From Underage Drinking” and received a price which was a dose of reality cup ,a dum dum lollypop that had a messaged on a sticker “don’t be a sucker for underage drinking” and/or a Marquette Basketball player card with Opioid facts on one side.