Volition Franklin joined Coalitions County wide for the annual collaboration Light and Unite RED Campaign. Light and Unite RED Week puts a spotlight on the dangers of substance use while uniting our communities and community members to engage in prevention, encourage treatment and support recovery.
Here in Franklin, many different sectors came together to raise awareness!
Mayor Olson proclaimed the week of 1/22-1/28 Light and Unite RED Week in the City of Franklin and City Hall illuminated an Evergreen Tree in the front of the building with red lights to show support.
The community was encouraged to participate in wear red day on Friday and share images on the volition Franklin Facebook page and local businesses were encouraged to participate in wear red day!
High School and Middle School Volition Youth members facilitated lunchtime activities with their peers and distributed red pencils with the message “students light the way”. Student’s identified how they are actively a positive peer influence and wrote the response on a “feather” – “feathers” were used for the creation of red wings made in each school for display. For the rest of the week, students could take their photo with the wings and post to their social media accounts. They also read announcements each day of the week with facts about tobacco, vaping, underage drinking, marijuana and prescription medications
The coalition partnered with Innovative Health and Fitness to host a walking contest in support of Light and Unite RED Week. Innovative Health and Fitness hosted the event on their indoor track, welcoming both members and nonmembers to log their miles walked. 367 total miles were walked for prevention during LUR week!
Volition Youth members assisted in the creation memes which were combined into a collage with various facts about vaping which were posted in the middle and high school bathrooms.
Light and Unite RED educational materials were also displayed at the Franklin Police Department!