Volition Franklin collaborated with Forest Park Middle School Staff and district administration to present information to all 8th grade Forest Park Middle School students about vaping, as well as how to be an advocate for positive choices and positive peer influence.
Franklin Public School’s Director of Athletics and Activities led a presentation about vaping, health effects, and addiction. The students then broke out into three subgroups—how vaping effects athletics and activities, the health effects of vaping on the body, and how to be a positive peer influence. Volition Youth members presented content about advocacy, how to be a positive peer influence, and demonstrated refusal skills. In one of the activities, 8th grade students were asked to write how they were a positive peer influence. Some examples they provided were:
I’m a good peer to my fiends because I support them in what they want to do that’s good
My friends feel open to ask me for help/ advice and I make sure they know that
I’m good a cheering people up
I accept them for who they are and encourage them to stay strong
About 75 8th grade students selected to attend the Volition Franklin breakout session. Six Volition Youth members presented over the course of four days (eight presentations).